Thursday 16 September 2010


Ella and Lila stayed over last night as Annie and Curtis went to the movies.  I made some pumpkin soup for Ella, pasta and cheese for Lila, Gary and I had slow cooked lamb shanks with mashed spuds and veges .
After dinner the girls had a bath and, Ella discovered that her Mum had packed 2 sets of Lilas' Pj's and none for her, so she dressed herself in singlet and knickers, and Lila insisted on doing the same.  Ella read to Lila for a while then I listened to her read.  It took ages to get them to go to sleep.
They both piled into our bed at 6.30 this morning.  Ella thought that she would like to stay home from school and stay in my bed all day.  Does she really think that is going to happen.  After finally getting them fed and dressed for the day we went to get into Annie's car and, no car keys, rang Annie and yes she had them in her bag.  Curtis had to go home pick her up bring her to my house, Annie and Lila went off to the gym with her friend and I took Ella to school just as the class began.
Now to clean my messy house.
I did take a couple of photos for my ABC album class.


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